In today’s fast-paced design world, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Meet Courtney Batten, Dallas interior designer who stays in the know and the creative force behind Paige Studio, as she shares her own experiences and advice on navigating the industry for over a decade.

Courtney is known for her use of color, refined modern aesthetic and restoration ethos when it comes to designing sustainably. Join us as we explore Courtney’s key takeaways from a recent event, her thoughts on design education, and her proven business strategies for building strong client relationships. 

How She Stays Current 

Courtney recently attended the Las Vegas furniture market, one of the largest collections of trade furniture and lighting in the nation, where she observed a significant shift towards bold colors, customization, and handmade pieces. These trends reflect a growing desire for unique, personalized spaces that stand out and a move away from the all-white minimalism of days past.

In addition to attending industry events to stay current, the connection is just as important. Consider staying connected with the design community all year round through social media platforms, blogs, and online forums. Following industry influencers, participating in online discussions, and subscribing to design newsletters can also provide valuable insights into emerging trends, new materials, and best practices. 

“It’s incredibly important to stay updated on the latest trends and products in the industry—that’s what our clients pay us for,” she adds. “It’s a mistake for designers to stay holed up in their offices, focusing solely on churning out projects without learning new techniques and discovering new products.” 

How She Builds a Strong Foundation 

Beyond creativity and style, Courtney emphasizes the importance of a strong technical foundation. “One of the biggest gaps I see in our industry is proper documentation. It’s crucial for designers to understand how a building is constructed and how to properly document designs so they can be built and understood by contractors and builders.” 

Understanding the fundamentals of construction, building codes, and architectural drawings can give you a technical edge. To build a solid technical foundation, consider taking courses in architectural drafting, construction materials, and building codes. Additionally, collaborating with architects and engineers to gain a deeper understanding of the design and construction process could be beneficial. By investing in this technical education, you can enhance your credibility, improve your problem-solving skills, and create more efficient and effective designs. 

How She Prioritizes Sustainability 

Courtney’s love for timeless design is evident in her strong preservationist ethos. “While I love creating spaces my clients adore, my goal is to restore homes for the broader community to appreciate, hopefully preventing another demolition for a new construction eco-nightmare,” she says. 

Batten’s approach to sustainability goes beyond preserving the historic foundation. When it comes to smart home devices, she praises not only their convenience but their ability to conserve resources. “Features like scheduled lighting and thermostats that adjust when you’re home go a long way in reducing energy consumption while saving money over time.”  

She is careful to note that these smart home devices, if you intend to incorporate them into your design, shouldn’t be an afterthought. “These have been around for a while, but when planned into the architecture rather than retrofitted, they seamlessly integrate into the design and help promote sustainability without my client even having to think about it.” 

How She Handles Clients 

Courtney’s advice for emerging designers centers on building strong client relationships where the client is the top priority. “Communication is key,” she explains. ” I have a policy of responding to any client email, text, or inquiry within one business day. This helps ensure clients feel valued and prioritized.”  

This approach is vital in building the trust with clients that can not only help you when any challenges arise but will also lead to better reviews and referrals for your business. 

Courtney Batten’s journey as an interior designer offers invaluable lessons for those navigating this dynamic field, whether you are fresh out of design school or a seasoned pro. By staying informed about industry trends, investing in your continued education, and prioritizing client communication and relationships, you can position yourself for success. Remember, the design world is ever-evolving and the trends are forever-recycling, so staying adaptable and passionate about your craft with a strong educational foundation is essential. With dedication and the right approach, you too can create beautiful spaces that stand the test of time and put you on the map. 

Learn more about Paige Studio and Courtney’s work on her website.