This year’s 3daysofdesign in Copenhagen, Denmark from June 12-14, 2024 lived up to its “Dare To Dream” theme, showcasing a curated selection of forward-thinking design that prioritized sustainability, human-centered experiences, and a touch of the fantastical. Here are some key takeaways if you missed it: 

  • Sustainable Materials Take Center Stage: From hemp-based textiles to furniture collections with natural cord details, sustainable materials are no longer a niche concern but a design driver
  • Comfort Meets Functionality: Function doesn’t have to sacrifice comfort, as exemplified by the enveloping support and style of the furniture pieces displayed, perfect for modern living. 
  • The Power of Playful Details: A touch of whimsy can elevate a design. Signature stripes can bring a touch of fashion flair to furnishings and natural, hand-tufted rugs in dusty, muted colorways can add a touch of intrigue to any space. 
  • Collaboration is Key: Many installations at the event highlighted the power of human collaboration. Designers from around the world came together to create a thought-provoking collection of exhibitions that explored materiality and community. 

These are just a few of the highlights from 3daysofdesign 2024. If you’re looking for inspiration to create beautiful, sustainable, and functional spaces, check out the festival website and consider visiting next year.