As smart home devices become increasingly prevalent in U.S. households, a trend projected to grow, integrating smart home technologies into the interior design process will be fundamental to maintaining competitiveness and relevancy in an era where once futuristic sci-fi fantasies have now become reality.

Smart tech reaches into every corner of the residential space, providing adaptive lighting, immersive audio, predictive HVAC, vigilant home security, tailored personal assistance and even sustainable waste management. The word “smart,” according to Netlingo, refers to “self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology,” encapsulating the innovative technology that provides cognitive awareness to objects using artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning.

Beyond Beauty: How AI is Transforming Design

Smart devices provide greater personalization through machine learning, predictive AI, voice commands and more, optimizing the interior for a client’s comfort in a very real and useful way. The modern unobtrusive designs of many smart devices allow customized tech to integrate seamlessly into different aesthetics. As demand and the industry grows, so too will the market of options available, but there are so many inspiring and integrative products to explore already.

Technology is transforming the way we think about our living spaces and thus transforms interior design. The endless possibilities of this immersive technology allow designers to create other-worldly spaces that move, inspire and captivate. The smooth, sleek surfaces and discreet design of many smart home devices make the perfect canvas to blend aesthetics, utility and even wellness. Examples include stylish light therapy during cold winter months, adaptive sound and bias lighting effects during a cozy movie night, a planetary experience in a biophilic living space, mood lighting adapted to an AI-curated playlist and so much more. It’s an exciting new world offering endless creativity.

The use of this technology exists to minimize human discomfort, which is the very essence of good design. But it could also usher in new ways to live more sustainably through energy usage monitoring and pattern recognition that tailors energy use to the user through the use of AI and machine learning.

Considerations and Concerns

Despite this application of sustainability for AI, the technology itself does come with a large carbon footprint and its own environmental impact concerns, generating a large energy expenditure aggravating climate change and adding to the growing accumulation of “e-waste” leaching toxic chemicals into our environment. These issues can be mitigated by adopting more energy-efficient AI technologies and implementing rigorous recycling programs for electronic waste. Designers should prioritize smart devices that are designed with sustainability in mind to mitigate this impact.

AI also poses significant data security risk. Implementing robust data protection measures, educating clients on the importance of secure network practices and choosing products with strong encryption and privacy safeguards can help address these security concerns.

Smart Strategies for Designing the Future

To ensure success in the smart sandbox, look to client needs and priorities to guide smart tech decisions. Designers should consider carefully where this tech will make the biggest impact and start from there.

It is worth tapping into the design potential of smart technology. CNET’s list of the best Smart Home devices for 2024 is filled with sleek, beautiful products designed for comfort, ease of use and personalized experiences, making it easy to integrate tech that feels organic.  The trend of smart multifunctional furniture also lets design pieces serve multiple functions at once. For example, LG’s ultra-stylish PuriCare Aerofurniture tables, offered in candy colors like lemon and cherry, host a HEPA filter, wireless charger and even ambient lighting options.

Designers can also use the technology as tools for their business, helping them keep current with trends and education, for virtual staging, inspiration and more.

The Future is Now

With considerations for responsible energy use of this technology and vigilant cyber security, there are exciting possibilities at the merger of AI and interior design. Consider how you might incorporate this budding technology into your practice, your designs and your client relations. Technology remains an incredible tool, getting smarter every day, that enables humans to excel in the inherently human aspects of work, life and design.

SOURCES: StatistaCNETEarth.orgIoT EvolutionNetLingo